Vancouver Fly Control & Extermination

Vancouver’s temperate climate provides an ideal breeding ground for various fly species, leading to noticeable population surges.

Flies are not just annoying pests. They can spread diseases and damage businesses. Their presence in commercial establishments can make people think that the business is not clean, which can hurt the business’s reputation.

Consequently, it is paramount to control and manage fly populations effectively in Vancouver, emphasizing preventive measures and timely interventions.

Food contamination is one of the most importance damages flies can cause.

Call us for a Free Fly Inspection

Why Flies Need to Be Removed?

Flies can cause various damages, both directly and indirectly. Some of them include:

Food Contamination: Flies, having landed on various unsanitary surfaces, can contaminate stored food in homes and businesses. 

Damage to Business Reputation: In commercial settings, especially in food and hospitality industries, the presence of flies can deter customers. 

Spread of Diseases: Flies can transmit diseases such as salmonella, dysentery, and cholera. This can pose health risks for residents in homes and for both employees and customers in commercial settings, potentially leading to medical expenses or even litigation.

Structural Damages: Some fly species, like drain flies or phorid flies, can inhabit and multiply within drains, leading to blockages. 

Increased Maintenance Costs: Flies can necessitate additional cleaning and maintenance, especially in commercial settings, to maintain a sanitary environment and adhere to health regulations. 

Allergies and Annoyance: Continuous exposure to flies can trigger allergic reactions in some individuals. Their persistent buzzing can also be a source of annoyance, impacting the comfort levels of residents or customers.

Call PPS for Fly Pest Control

Flies can land on different surfaces and cause structural damages.

Flies’ ability to move from decaying waste to human food allows them to transfer numerous harmful pathogens. This can jeopardize public health, leading to food contamination and the spread of diseases.

Moreover, in commercial settings such as restaurants or hotels, the presence of flies can signal poor hygiene, deterring customers and tarnishing the establishment’s reputation.

Given these challenges, it becomes crucial to control flies to maintain a sanitary, healthy, and comfortable environment.

Why Choose Our Fly Extermination Service?

While DIY fly extermination can be effective for small and isolated issues, it largely depends on the scale and type of infestation.

Professionals possess the knowledge, tools, and specialized treatments that can address the root of the problem, ensuring that all life stages of the flies are eradicated.

Here is why you need us for professional fly control and extermination:

We Have the Knowledge and Experience: Our professional pest control technicians have been trained to identify and control fly infestations.

We Have the Equipment: Our pest control technicians have the specialized equipment needed to effectively control fly infestations. This includes things like fly traps, bait stations, and insecticide sprayers.

Our Services Are Safe and Effective: Our technicians are trained to use pesticides safely and effectively. They will take steps to protect you, your family, and your pets from exposure to pesticides.

We are licensed and Insured: Our pest control technicians are licensed and insured, which means that they are held to high standards of safety and accountability.

Our Fly Treatment Service Area

PPS service area includes greater Vancouver and the surrounding areas.

Fly Control Frequently Asked Questions

Flies can inflict considerable harm on properties in various ways:

  • Sanitation Concerns
  • Food Contamination
  • Structural Damage
  • Business Repercussions
  • Disease Transmission
  • Decreased Property Value

Flies tend to seek out locations in the house that are conducive to their survival and reproductive needs. Here are some common places where flies usually hide or congregate in a home:

  • Kitchens
  • Drains and Sinks
  • Garbage and Compost Bins
  • Pet Food Bowls
  • Damp and Dark Locations
  • Basements
  • Around Indoor Plants
  • Cracks and Crevices

Pest control professionals use a variety of methods to get rid of flies, depending on the type of fly, the severity of the infestation, and the location of the infestation. Some of the most common methods include:

  • Fly Traps
  • Bait Stations
  • Insecticide Spray
  • Exclusion
  • Integrated Pest Management (IPM)